About the School


Conecuh County Jr. High School has an enrollment of 100 students and is located in the community of Castleberry, AL. The school is located in a rural community outside the LEA in Evergreen, AL. Conecuh County Jr. High School serves students in grades K-4 through the 8th grade. There are 28 staff members at the school including all teachers, teacher aides, office workers, lunchroom, and bus drivers. The population of Castleberry is 590. The average median household income is $19,560. In recent surveys the average poverty level in the
community was 21.8% compared to the U.S. average on 9.20%. The survey also indicated that 275 individuals received their high school diplomas but only 4% of those went on to receive their Bachelor's degree. Castleberry's unemployment rate is 11.3% in comparison to the
nation average of 5.8%. It was also found that 31% of Castleberry's families make less than $10,000 per year.

Our Mission:

It is the mission of Conecuh County Junior High School to foster and develop the overall growth academically, socially, emotionally, and physically, of each individual student, so that he/she might have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential to become a well-rounded
productive citizen in our society. As it relates to developing well rounded productive citizens in our society, character education is addressed on a daily basis. In addition, the school counselor works closely with students, parents, and teachers to work toward overall growth development. In the classrooms each day, teachers within their daily lessons set expectations for the students and visions that allow the student to work using higher order thinking skills. STARS is a county wide initiative that was implemented as mission for the county. (Students and Teachers Achieving Remarkable Success).

Our Achievements:

Conecuh County Jr. High School has made Adequately Yearly Progress (AYP) on all of the Alabama State Assessment Alabama Reading and Mathematics Test ( ARMT+) for more than 3 years. Within our Continuous Improvement Plan, we set goals for Math in which we were successful in accomplishing 67% of them. The other 33% of the goals not met will be an improvement we will work toward accomplishing. Additionally in Reading, we set goals in which we were successful in accomplishing 44% of them. The other 56% of the goals not met will be
an improvement we will work toward accomplishing. We have set new goals for the ACT Aspire and will continue to compare that data as the years progress. We also discussed working toward perfecting what we are doing when it comes to Parental Involvement. We discussed
parental involvement activities that are working and decided to keep doing what we are doing, but step it up a notch to improve parental involvement. We must say that our Parents are involved but could be better.