Library Behavior Standards
1. Enter quietly and remain quiet.
2. Place return books in book slot.
3. No loitering, playing, or wandering around aimlessly.
4. Never eat, drink, or chew anything of any kind in the library.
5. If you choose a book you do not want place it back on the shelf where you got it.
6. Make sure spines are out.
7. When leaving the library, do not line up until you are told. Push chairs under the table.
8. Make sure your area is cleaned and all materials are put back in the proper place.

Library Media Specialist
Wendy Riley
Days Open: Mondays and Wednesdays , Alternating Fridays
Hours of Operation: 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Conecuh County Junior High School Library has a collection of approximately 3,587 books.
Mission/ Vision:
The mission of the Conecuh County Junior High Media Center is to provide students with a friendly, instructional environment that enhances knowledge; to provide students with the opportunity to improve reading skills, computer skills, and research skills; to ensure that students have access to the Internet and Alabama Virtual Library; to provide students with activities that enhance classroom instruction; to motivate students to become lifelong learners.
The overall vision of CCJHS library media implementation is to collaborate with teachers by linking them and students to resources necessary to enhance media literacy.